“New Beginnings” Adventures in to BRIGHT Future

Debbie Marie Painting oil with her hands
Debbie Arambula painting purple green oil painting with hands and fingers only

Blossoming Journey of the IRIS Painting Back in 1996, when I first started painting professionally, I found most of my inspiration came from the garden, the sky, the mountains, flowers, romantic settings and late night jazz music. But what inspired me the most, and still does to this day, is my family! My unconditionally loving husband, who would do just about anything for me, and my adorable children that are muses to my heart and soul, and sometimes amusing to say the least!

When I first started painting, my kids would rush into my studio after school each day to see what I was working on, and EVERY TIME they would say, “OMG, Mom that is so cool!” Or my honey would come in after a long day at work and say “OMG that is the most beautiful thing you have ever painted!”

My biggest fans to date, my family has always believed in me. What a gift of is love from a family. Whether from family or friends, when we are the recipients of unconditional love and support the nurturing is like a group of cheer leaders for the soul. And in the process we gain more confidence, more ability, and more willingness to be creative. And doesn’t that bring out the best in us? This type of nurturing is one that is worth more than any money can buy!

What does this have to do with the Iris painting “New Beginnings” Well a TON!  You see years ago I painted many Irises, in fact many people compared them to Van Gogh, funny but true at that time in my career I really didn’t know who Van Gogh was, embarrassed to admit this, but as a self-taught artist, raised in a time when art & art history were not really pushed in school. So I really never learned about the masters until after I became a profession.

 Anyhow for years I only painted on Glass in reverse these beautiful Irises are the pride and joy of many collectors from Arizona to California. But I always dreamed about painting Irises on canvas, but somehow life and a busy art career never allowed me the opportunity. And as my art career has been expanding into a whole new level so has my family of supporters and a few months ago wonderful collector believed in me enough to order the first Iris Oil Painting.

And the timing was perfect for both of us, she in her new home in Oregon and me on my expanding journey of news just found out that a baby was on her way and the news not known to the public yet that to step onto the mountain of my expanding art career, closing my beloved gallery was in the near future. And all the while I was composing this new painting, the journey of my life evolved into a New Beginning a perfect title for a piece that held my hand and walked with me in massive inspiration to begin my new journey.

When we believe in our dreams and when others support us in that we thrive. So don’t under estimate the power of this kind of support.  If we did this with each other a bit more in this world we might even see the change in our life time. When we support our child in their creations it easy, simple, but what about our coworkers, neighbors, cousins…. The list is endless on the positive affects you can have on someone’s life! Never stop believing in your dreams! And try to support others in their journey.

Let this painting be inspiration for your journey, Irises always remind me of Easter, a time in the year when we often reflect on our direction. I am not sure why spring has a way of inspiring us in this way but it always does this to me. Irises are rare they only come up in the spring, and when they stop blossoming they still continue to give birth and multiply for the next year’s journey. What’s really cool is giving them away so that someone else’s garden flourishes and inspires them. And So I give to you my Iris Painting, New Beginnings” in hopes that it inspires your garden of life to blossom.  http://www.heartworksgallery.com

New Beginnings by Debbie Marie Arambula
New Beginnings by Debbie Marie Arambula

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